Switch Your Focus

Jan. 6, 2012 – Technology – overwhelming for some, a god-send for others. Technology has changed the way we communicate with each other as well as the way we conduct business.

From hardware to software, the technology wave has transformed the real estate industry.

Don't focus on social media.

Agents are using computers instead of typewriters. They are hooking their laptops up to flat screen TV’s and using them as monitors while meeting with clients. They are plugged in to social media, posting and tweeting till their hearts’ content. As the consumer is growing up with this new technology, real estate agents need to keep up in order to keep up with their clients. But when is enough, enough?

These REALTORS®, these people, only have so much energy and time in the day to prospect, to prepare for appointments, to market listings, to find dream homes, to continue their education through webinars, seminars, and classes. And then add social media to the mix – no wonder most REALTORS® aren’t using social media.

According to RISMedia, the two activities agents should focus on are prospecting and presenting. Don’t worry so much about updating your facebook status. Technology plays a part in both prospecting and presenting. Focus on those two activities and you may end up using technology more efficiently than before.


Read More: The Double-Edged Sword

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